Sunday, September 12, 2010

In a Castle (well, a "Country Home")

Took the ferry off Skye to the mainland today and drove down to the very cool town of Oban. It's a seaside community with a semi-circular waterfront. We are staying at one end of the semi-circle, high atop the hills overlooking the bay, inner islands, and in the distance, Isle of Mull. The place we're in for 2 nights is actually a converted country home (I say castle) of the Duke of Argyll (think socks), that was built in the mid 1800's. High ceilings, lots of fireplaces, big chunky stonework, a tower, and a killer view. There still is a Duke of Argyll but he lives in a castle a few miles from here. This building was sold and converted to an inn a while ago. Posh.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to suck, so we are going to end up missing the islands of Mull & Iona -- it's just not the kind of thing to do on a rainy day. Instead, we will stay land-side and tour a couple castles and museums. No complaints. We've been so lucky with the weather so far.

And for those of you following the birds, I was surprised to get 3 more new ones today. Picked up Rock Pipits working the seaside rocks for bugs before we left Skye. Also got a Willow Warbler on Skye. It was working the thicket near the rock beach, along with scads of other birds in a nice mixed flock. Then during the crossing to the mainland, got a nice look at a small group of Manx Shearwater. So, the "new birds" tally bumped up to 38 today. (I'm smiling).

Cheers, one and all...

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