Friday, September 10, 2010

If you visit Scotland, and order Black Pudding

...just be sure you realize that what you are about to get is NOT a sweet, dark chocolate dessert. It's a breakfast sausage made from pig's blood, suet, and various other things.

This morning was rainy and windy on Skye, but the afternoon was much improved, allowing us to take a 45-minute hike across a hilltop moor to a castle on the coast. Lucky to see a pair of Grey Wagtails (ca-CHING! new bird #34).

Driving was fine, the scenery is awesome and it's all good.

It's now after 10 pm here and I'm pooped, and since this blog site is for some reason taking 6-8 minutes each time I try to load a picture, I'm sticking just one in before I hit the sack -- this is the view from our hotel in the town of Uig looking right out across the bay to the peninsula opposite us -- GORGEOUS, yes? (click it to zoom in)

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous yes! what great pic's and 34 bird's. these were not places i had on my list to visit but you have made it look enticing. how's the biking? rose
