Monday, August 30, 2010

PICTURES and greetings from York, England

p.s. remember that you can click on a picture to blow it up. click again for second blow up , then 3rd click gets you back to normal size!

So we are here in York, and all is well. Flights to Iceland and then Manchester were fine (we had about a 4-hour sleep last night in Keflavik -- up at 445 am to get back to the airport for this morning's flight to England. Then, a 2-hour train ride to York -- which is a really nice, historic-in-the-classic-old-English-city-kind-of-way spot to hang our hats for a couple days.

There is a wonderful huge ancient Minster (church) that King Henry 8th actually attended and saved from demolition when he was separating HIS church from the Romans way back when. Also, the city is surrounded by a fortress wall constucted in the middle ages and which today is open to the public to walk, giving a nice birds eye* view of the old city.

*speaking of birds, I found my first new life bird today while wandering the streets -- Carrion Crow (cousin to our very own American version of crow). So while not a spectacular find, I'll take it.

More in a day or two. But for now, we just wanted to let family and friends know we are OK and we send our best from York...


R and C

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